Lets Secure The Future Together

Skytale secures communication for businesses by offering a secure mobile application tailored for security-conscious users.

The application supports secure chat, voice calls, video conferencing, and file sharing. This is made possible by utilizing state-of-the-art encryption technology and Skytale’s own platform.

What is Skytale?

Secure communication platform without the risk of spreading or leaking confidential information.

iOS, Android / desktop app for PC / Mac. Supports chat, file sharing, and audio and video calls between employees, customers, and suppliers.

Delivered both as SaaS and on-prem.

Multi-layer hybrid encryption from end-to-end and operated on a platform that meets the requirements for national control and "zero trust" architecture.

Complies with Norwegian security laws and follows NSM's recommendations.

Why Skytale?


Companies are naive and more vulnerable to security threats than ever before

Concern related to the fact that data and services supporting important societal interests are not subject to real Norwegian technical control and jurisdiction

Security threats are increasing significantly in strength, and Nordic companies are not well prepared

Lack of digital verification of employees and users, as well as the transition to cloud-based solutions that store all data

Norwegian companies do not have control over where their data is stored. The majority is stored outside of Norway/the Nordic region

Risk related to international dependence on digital services

Data and information have value

Digitalization wave across all industries, especially healthcare, banking, IT, and manufacturing, without companies necessarily being equipped to handle it


Security information and personal data misplaced

Reputational risk

Operational risk

Financial cost

Skytale Features


Communicate with all employees in the company and suppliers, share files and images, etc.

Group Chat

To easily communicate with the team or project, both internally and externally.


Determine the company's security settings, both at the individual and group level.

End-to-End Encryption

A secure communication platform for businesses so that it’s easy to share files and information.

Video Conference

Invite small and large groups to video meetings, share screen and files with colleagues.

Secure Voice and Video

Share information and contact without worrying about someone listening.


Latest News

Skytale AS valgt til prestisjetungt innovasjonsprogram

Vi er stolte over å ha blitt valgt ut til å delta i det prestisjefylte innovasjonsprogrammet LINC (Launchpad for Innovative Norwegian Companies).

Skytale deltok på FSi-utstillingen

Skytale var til stede på den årlige utstillingen arrangert av Forsvars- og sikkerhetsindustriens forening (FSi), der vi arbeider for å fremme interessene til norsk forsvars- og sikkerhetsindustri.

Artikkel i Finansavisen: Investeringsfond overbevist: – Vi kan fort bli en god oppkjøpskandidat

LANDET STORFISK: Julie Winther-Larsen og Kenneth Lie i Skytale har utviklet en sikker kommunikasjonsplattform for næringslivet. Selskapet har Kongsberg Innovasjon som investor og Telenor som samarbeidspartner.